Facoltà di ingegneria, Napoli - 1955-1972

where: Napoli, Piazzale Tecchio, via Claudio
collaboration: M. Pagano, M. Picone, L. Tocchetti, O. Vocca, G. Savastano, M. Taddei, P. Ricci

The main building on viale Augusto creates a sense of continuity with the houses for the homeless designed in 1949, with its porch and the closed space of the cloister as organizing principle of the rooms. The building has 11 floors, the entrance is through the porch and the great open space on the ground floor is glazed and opens on the inner garden. The main classrooms are on the first floor, the assembly hall, the head-master's study and the drawing classrooms, are in the opposite building, parallel to viale Augusto. On the upper floor there is the double line of classrooms, with varying size and the central ones lighted up from above. The vertical connection to the departments starts from here. The labs are in via Claudio, with similar volumes and gathered in a unitary group.