Fabbrica Olivetti, Pozzuoli - 1951-1954

where: Pozzuoli (Napoli), Via Domitiana
collaboration: A. Galli, P. Ciaravolo, P. Porcinai, M. Nizzoli

Charged by Adriano Olivetti, the project changes the whole production process of typewriters and the same time allows future architecturally effective enlargement. The relationship between inner and external space is function of the way men work in a modern factory and is the aim of more production unit with different size and technologies. There are open and closed courtyards and different solutions: superimposition of assembly-bay and workshop, open and closed arcas, volumes fitting the slopes and the green areas, according to their functions. The cross section was carefully studied. Despite the continuous change of production cycles of Olivetti, the building kept the unity of volumes and contents through time.