The set of documents

The private archive Luigi Cosenza, with ordinance n. 829 September 15th, 2010 has been declared by the Italian Minister per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici della Campania - “particularly interesting from a cultural perspective”, according to articles 10 and 13 from Dlgs. 42/2004 and undergoing dispositions from Dlgs and following modification and integrations.

The Luigi Cosenza Archive is made of a rich graphic part and an important photographic section, together with a remarkable “documental” collection (administrative, accountant and in general all the documents edited during the productive process of the single projects).

The archive received during its formation a physical and logical organization given by Luigi Cosenza himself, and after his demise in 1984 his heirs kept and respected the structure and classification of works, both in the phases of survey for the cultural interest declaration and in the periods during which the archive has been digitalized.

The conceptual structure evolves around a single project, which represents the main descriptive unit (archieve Unit); starting from the single project several coherent documental types have been identified (sketches, diagrams, pictures, papers).

In the digital representation of Luigi Cosenza’s archieve, the principle of project as unifying elements has been respected.

In the section “Digitalized projects” just a small part of Luigi Cosenza’s production has been exposed (55 project for about 5800 documents), and as far visible is the result of the work produced within the frame for the POR FESR 2007-2013 Operative Objective 1.10 - “LA CULTURA COME RISORSA” (culture as a resource) - ATTIVITA’ “C” - Soggetti Privati (privates) “DIGITALIZZAZIONE E MESSA IN RETE DI ARCHIVI E BIBLIOTECHE” (libraries and archives digitalization and upload); the aim is to make this web space the area in which to approach Luigi Cosenza’s entire production; according to resources and time the objective is to fill the website with single projects’  images and descriptions.

The four chronological sections represent the work phases of Luigi Cosenza’s whole design activity; in these areas, all the work are represented along a timeline and with geotags; particularly in the visualization of “Where” we can see the work’s information.

The timeline navigation and the map allow to go directly to the specific project page.